Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Journey is the Reward

As you know the journey is the reward is my favorite saying. In regards to an event, the journey is the training and no matter what happens on race day,  you have had fun, gotten stronger and done all you could to prepare along the way.

So as I am a week away from my big adventure, I am ready as my journey has been amazing with many long and hard workouts, fun times, but also enough sweat and tears.

The cold I got when I first came to Switzerland pushed my hardest week of training a week later, so this past week I was in Austria training in the mountains. In the last 6 days I did: 2 times -  6 mile hilly run followed by a 7 mile uphill hike with 2000 ft elevation gain. Then a back to back last training effort, first day run of 12 miles with 1800 feet elevation, then the next day a 10 mile hike with 3000 ft elevation gain.

So now is taper time, good thing because my legs are fried. I went to the gym to day for some core work, rolling stretching and a sauna. Some short fast runs this week and a few shorter not too steep hikes to keep the legs moving, along with lots of stretching and rolling. Race ready - Trusting in my training.

Here are some Austrian Running and Hiking area. We were in the Innsbruck/Seefeld area. As you can see there are still problems with adding photos.



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