Sunday, April 29, 2018

Races on the Way

Next week starts our race schedule. See below for those doing which races. If I missed you or are doing a different race, please let me know.

Good luck to the Vancouver BC racers next Sunday: Amy, Carrie, Cheryl, Cris, Dana, Deb Fe, Jamie, Jenn, Katharine, Madeleine, Scott and Tristan.

Photos from some of our runs:

Fun run in the sun at Gas Works
and on the 520 bridge

Chris and Pam
the gang going around the corner
Paula and Betsy
Katharine and Madeleine

Saturday, April 21, 2018

It's Finally Beginning to Look Like Spring?

Even though Seattle has gotten a record high of rain, we have been managing to stay dry during our group meetings. The troll, along with us, stayed dry under Aurora. The Alki run/walk was great fun, no rain, minimal wind and it wasn't too cold. But we were glad we were not playing beach volleyball like the barefooted women at the UW/USC game. And we had a great coffee/french toast stop after the 12 mile endeavor.

Today's hike to Dirty Harry's Balcony was awesome.  Again no rain, no wind and not too cold. The views were wonderful and the company fabulous. The trillium are out in force now too.

Check out the photos, too hard to choose my favorites so I put most of them in. Check out the black mushrooms at the bottom.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Happy April

The team has been busy this month. Check out the photos

-A run through the cherry trees at UDub and Rainier Vista
-Wall sit in pink
-Double Magnolia bike ride
-Find the two bald eagles and their nest in the trees
-Flowering currant means it's spring - yeah right!
-How many times can you go up the Tower stairs at Volunteer Park?
 -Hike to Debbie's Viewpoint from Margaret's Way with our first trillium of the year!!
-Bike ride - 520 and I-90 with a stop in Medina