Sunday, December 2, 2018

Winter Bike and Hike

Even though it has been cool and a little wet, we are still out there enjoying the great northwet.

Poo Poo Point and Tiger Mtn gave a some good ups, downs and sprinkles, but it was still awesome.

Run at Carkeek to see the salmon run
Bike through Medina

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Weekend Races

It's been perfect weather for running, walking and biking workouts.

Yesterday's Ghost 1/2 and today's Seattle Marathon 1/2 had perfect running and walking temps and no precipitation.

Congratulations to Amy, Betty and Susanna on the Ghost and to Carolyn, Jen, Judy, Max, Pam and Penni on the Seattle.

And a big thank you to our other team members for helping on the Seattle race. Alyson was in the medical tent at the finish and Susanna a ham radio operator 


Larches and runners at Green Lake

Edmonds Loop
Gas Works run views

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Holy Moly and 1/2 Marathon

Wow I knew I was remiss in updating the blog, but gosh I did not realize it has been so many months. Our team has not been lax though and everyone is out running, walking, biking, hiking, spinning and doing Battle Ropes.

Congratulations to the gang on their Lake Washington Half Marathon yesterday: Amy, Ann, Carrie, Cheryl, Deb, Jenn, Katharine, Linda, Madeleine, Penni


Here are a few other photos, reminding us of warmer weather.....

On the trail in Fremont
Sunday run in Ravenna

Volunteer Park
Happy Birthday run party

To Ingalls Lake
Lake Ann

Two groups different hikes in the same area to see the larches and a surprise of a lot of snow.

Happy bikers at 520

Magnolia Riders



Troll runners
Halloween Spin

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Busy Summer For All and Great Hike to Wallace Falls

Even though I have been a little remiss in posting, the team has been busy with biking, hiking, running and walking.

We had a wonderful hike to Wallace Falls and Wallace Lake today. The weather was perfect and we managed to keep out of the crowds. Still a lot of Salmon Berries out there and some cool flowers -  fox glove and daisies. Merilyn got a great shot of a snake too.

First hike photos, then a collection from other events.

                                       Wallace Falls and Wallace Lake

Arboretum Run

Rock and Roll Marathon
San Diego Fitness Conference
Mackinac Island
Michigan Upper Penninsula

Magnuson Park run
Salish Sea Ride - Anacortes