Sunday, March 12, 2017

Grand Ridge Rain Hike

We were going to do a couple of other hikes, but the snow is pretty darn low and enough of it to keep us in Regional Parks a little while longer. Grand Ridge is a wonderful park and it is even cooler now that they added in a new 2.4 mile loop. The trail makers did an amazing job. We were able to enjoy a lovely NW hike with lots of green, the moss was especially amazing in the RAIN. At least the temps are a little warmer now and we did not get cold! Bonus! Not too many hikers, bikers or runners out enjoying the rain with us though!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Seattle is a Beautiful Place to Workout all Year Long

Even though the weather has been colder and snowier than normal, Seattle is still a wonderful place to workout all year long.

The Golden Gardens stairs are new and improved, even though they are still a challenge to go up in the middle of a 6 or 8 mile run/walk. Thanks to Jennifer for the stair photos. The mountain beaver digging up bulbs was a mixture of delight in seeing her, but a drag the newly planted flowers will not bloom now. Chris knew what this lively little animal was.

And check out the sign that is popping up all over Seattle!!!!!

Arboretum run then stretch
Gas Works view at Sunday run

Space Needle and Queen Anne from Gas Works