Saturday, December 19, 2015

Cougar Mountain Holiday Hike

It was a wonderful day for a fabulous hike. Almost completely dry, just a few minutes of some light drizzle, not enough to get us wet. There were quite a few puddles and over flowing streams, but it made the two waterfalls we saw absolutley stunning.

There was the traditional decorated Christmas Tree along the way too. Great day overall.

Coal Creek Falls
Oh Christmas Tree

Far Country Falls

Saturday, December 5, 2015

NorthWest Winter Hike

 The hike today at Squak Mtn was lovely, perfectly northwesty. Green, green, green with moss, fern, and evergreen trees. Top that all off with a few thousand feet of elevation ascent/descent and some drizzle, we were happy!!

And at the bottom, a few wildlife sightings in Seattle - black duck at Green Lake and a heron atop a dead tree in Magnuson Park. Both were way cool.